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Meet Your Teacher

Preshona Ambrita Ghose, M.Ed is a passionate, non-traditional educator & creative whose purpose and mission is to spread the stories of people of color on this planet. Find out more about the life journey that brought her to this mission on her personal website.


The long & short: an immigrant to the United States at the tender age of four, Mama P found herself growing up in neighborhoods of different cultures and incomes both within and outside of the U.S. (East Oakland, CA; East San Jose, CA; Southeast & Northeast DC; PG County, MD; Howard County, MD; San Salvador, El Salvador; Nogales, Mexico).  This made Preshona become a passionate educator, performer, and activist to unite the divided around & within her.


In 2011, she started the One Love Movement (One Love = True Change Inc.) with fellow youth workers to spread co-operative economics, education and positive culture in and with communities of color. This launched into the desire to create curriculum that reflected those communities she was a part of and served.


Deemed a "Renaissance Woman" of her times, Mama Preshona is experienced in teaching these subjects and more:  World Geography & History, Spanish, English, GED Prep & SAT Prep, Meditation,General Education, Special Education, Scratch Jr., Art, Odyssey of the Mind, Spanish, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Meditation, Intro to Chemistry & Physics. 


Combining many of her fields of practice, her Masters in Special Education, and B.A. in Media Cross-Cultural Hegemony with Spanish & International Studies Minors, she created the bilingual I Am Sun program, to prepare young students for college-prep exams from a young age, while embracing perspectives, stories & histories of students of color.

{Click Image to Hear 2017

Commencement Speech}

Sample Curriculum

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